Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hello again thanks for the answers..I ll get german passport in 2 years then am I able to get the visa

Hello again thanks for the answers..I ll get german passport in 2 years then am I able to get the visa ?
Like any other Germans ? I'm originally from Mongolia . I got my USA visa in Germany first ..I really want to live there with my new life ..
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
I have bad news for you. A U.S. visa allows you to enter the U.S. -- it does not allow you to stay. A visa is good for only a limited period of time. If you overstay your visa, you will be caught and deported. If you are deported, you cannot get another visa and re-entry into the U.S. after deportation is a felony. If you want to stay in the U.S., you have to apply for immigration. That is a lot more difficult than obtaining a visa.
2 :
German citizens can travel to the U.S. visa-free for 90 days under the Visa Waiver program; in order to use this program certain prerequisites must be met. One of them is that they have never been denied a U.S. visa or entry into the U.S. or had a U.S. visa cancelled. Based on your previous questions I am afraid that even the naturalization will not lift your ten years ban to the U.S. ..

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Howcome conservatives dont like socialism? look at all the great socalist countries theres been

Howcome conservatives dont like socialism? look at all the great socalist countries theres been?
Nazi Germany USSR China Venezula Cuba North Korea Cambodia Congo Ethiopia Mongolia Samolia Laos Vietnam Who wouldnt want to live in these socilaist paradises?
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
your sarcasm is so original.
2 :
lol. You're hilarious.
3 :
You forgot Finland, number one on the Human Development Index. Let me dumb that down for you: Finland people = good.
4 :
Lol you're right. And I envy the freedom of speech and other liberties that their citizens possess(ed)
5 :
If Libs like Socialism, they should pick one of those countires and move there.
6 :
I always dreamed of living in Mongolia. Another dream -- never fulfilled. Now you've depressed me. Thanks a lot ....
7 :
Your a moron all those countries you mentioned were Socialist in name only
8 :
None of those countries are socialist. Socialism is practiced in all modern European countries as well as Japan.
9 :
I'm surprised you didn't mention "commie pinkos" in your diatribe. Why? Because the countries you mention are communist - not socialist. Why are you misstating the facts?
10 :
Liberals want a piece of Conservatives success and they think socialism is their best chance to get it.
11 :
what are you talking about. time for you to go and pee in a cup my friend. Prescott bush financed NAZI GERMANY AND SOME OTHER OF THESE COUNTRIES, that's only one of many, son.
12 :
me love you long time

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar - Summer School

National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar - Summer School?
I'm a college freshman, a Mechanical Engineering Major/Chinese Minor. Problem is, I have nothing planned for my summer. I didn't get an engineering-related internship, I don't have a summer job, and I don't have any other plans either. I only recently found out about the National University of Mongolia Summer Program: I've always been fascinated by Mongolia. The empire of Genghis Khan, its years as part of Qing "China", its status as a Russian satellite-state in the 20th century, it's current ambiguous place in the world. The people and their culture appear fascinating from afar. I have experience traveling abroad in so far as I've visited family in Moscow, Russia on a regular basis. I can easily read Cyrillic writing, albeit I have no knowledge of the Mongolian language (or any other Altaic language). However, I wonder if my fluency in Russian could help me to communicate within Ulaanbaatar? Instinctively, I genuinely want to investigate this summer program. I've done what research I could and have come to understand that I'd have to fly to Moscow (or various other cities, but flying through Moscow is cheapest from where I'm based) first and only then to Ulaanbaatar, since its such an esoteric destination for an American. However, I must wonder: would I utterly hate myself for deciding to go there as soon as the time actually came? Would the reality be a painful sobering experience? Would I be miserable or bored in Ulaanbaatar? Would I find the living conditions in the university dormitory and the city unbearable? These are very hard questions to research, so I was hoping to come across someone with first-hand experience on Yahoo Answers. Furthermore, would traveling to Ulaanbaatar be a genuine danger for an American, more so than traveling to Moscow? Even if one doesn't have to fear for his life, is there a legitimate chance that students will be robbed or exploited in other ways? My way of phrasing these questions is somewhat chaotic, but that's in part because I've often found travel to be chaotic and unpleasant, even in Moscow and in western European cities like Rome. Even so, when a place is genuinelly interesting, the psychological discomforts of traveling can be overcome. It's when there's a physical danger that the real reason to rethink travel plans comes in. So, my question boils down to: Is going to a summer program in Mongolia reckless/stupid/pointless/crazy/dangerous? Thank you for the help!
Other - Asia Pacific - 1 Answers
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1 :
Go ahead with your plans,with the background knowledge that you have cited,it should'nt be any problem in Mongolia.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Genius conservatives, tell me why you think it is that people in the 3rd world are poor

Genius conservatives, tell me why you think it is that people in the 3rd world are poor?
Why are people in Brazil or Ethiopia or Mongolia poor? Is it because they are lazy? Why isn't it possible for people in these countries to achieve a good standard of living?
Politics - 36 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Look at the leaders. It's not rocket science.
2 :
lousy political system. like what we are heading towards.
3 :
Because they have Democrats as leaders.
4 :
They are poor because they don't have opportunity. Their country provides no means of them being anything but.
5 :
They don't care. and no, the right answer is Capitalism. for the last time IT DOES NOT WORK!
6 :
Lack of manufacturing leads to lack of wealth leads to lack of jobs
7 :
The Con's are close minded and never traveled over there why else
8 :
Well, you won't like my answer.....but most nations that have become successful, with one or two exceptions, are those where Protestant Christianity has for decades been a major force.
9 :
10 :
Poor leadership. Their government doesn't open its doors to better industry, trade, production.
11 :
Easy--it's because of an unequal distribution of capitalism. They need more of it.
12 :
Ive never really put that much thought into it but its most likely bec of thier corrpt leaders
13 :
Lack of education. They need to learn how to NOT have babies, that they cannot care for.
14 :
liberal politics!!!!
15 :
Their leaders are mostly control freak Commies or Socialists. They won't allow their people to succeed.
16 :
Corruption and greed within their own governments, where the needs of the people are not a priority.
17 :
lol. Great Question.
18 :
Dictators Types of Governments Types of economic systems... Laziness, mostly applies to Americans these days - they just can't get enough gov handouts these days.
19 :
Corrupt governments, colonization. European settlers forced them to grow select crops, practically none of them food, overused the land and made it infertile, set up borders where there were none before and stopping nomads from crossing them (tax purposes) with their cattle leading to overgrazing. Then when all the damage was done, they went back to Europe and left them like dirt with all the problems.
20 :
Because they have bad leaders like Barack Obama.
21 :
Because they they don't live in a free society.
22 :
It is quite simple, from an economic standpoint. They have systems to benefit the state, and not the people. Education:
23 :
Poor political systems, cultures that encourage the status quo.
24 :
Three elements to a successful economy: Labor Land Capital Third world has lots of LABOR and LAND, but no capital and they lack capital, because they lack the rules, discipline and stability to attract capital see, when people invest in third the third world, LEFT WING HACKS (like Chavez) just TAKE THE MONEY and REDISTRIBUTE IT TO THE POOR (and THEY get a big piece too) This is why LEFT WING HACKS (like Obama, Chavez, Carter, et al) DESTROY ECONOMIES this is why AMERICA is now in a tailspin - we have HACKS in power who don't appreciate capital, and the people who provide it.
25 :
Why is this question directed at conservatives. I wouls say they are messed up because their governmet is corrupt, the billions of dollars we send them never helps, they have poor education , they don't produce much of anything. Since you seem to know the answer why not tell us? Oh before i go, Goerge bush sent more money to Africa then any other president in history, GOOGLE IT
26 :
In those particular countries it is their leadership, they are against the free world, they are not for democracy, they do not contribute much, and therefore trade much. Some leaders like an Oppressed country, They think why an intelligent country that will be demanding, when they keep push them citizens lower, and lower and the leaders can be the only fortunate.
27 :
Because their liberal socialist left wing leaders in government gather all the wealth to themselves and trade what they can't consume for things they can, and if anything is left, the people might . . . just MIGHT . . . get some of it. ________ Josip, your ignorance overwhelms me. There are few countries I have not visited and even fewer I have not seen direct footage of from others' visits. THAT is what makes me so conservative. I have seen reality up close and personal. Before I did, I was pretty liberal, just like you.l
28 :
Thanks for recognizing my superior intellect. People in third world countries are of secondary importance to the ruling elitist's who want total control of the government, business and the citizens. Kind of like Obama.
29 :
Because the corporations own the politicians and make all the rules so they can keep all the money. Just like the Supreme Court says we can start doing here.
30 :
The reasons vary. But often it is related to economic problems due to a lack of investment or capital, or war or corruption within government systems. It is possible for societies that are presently poor to improve. However, in some places, it takes much more than mere desire. In some places it may require a war to overthrow government, or one final battle to end a war and draw new borders. It's different depending on where we're talking about. I have yet to hear any serious conservative suggest that laziness is what keeps some countries from improving. I suggest you stop listening to whoever it is you listen to.
31 :
How come they don't make better use of the money we send to help them? They could become a better country if their government wasn't so corrupt.
32 :
Almost always it's a lack of freedom and an overbearing government that "fine tunes" the market. If people are allowed private ownership, to do with their property what they please, even the lazy find it in their interest to produce for a change. "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not". -Thomas Jefferson
33 :
People in those countries are poor because their governments are corrupt socialist governments propped up by foreign aid money they receive from 1st World do-gooders. There is a reason why the government bureaucrats in African countries are known as the "People of the Mercedes-Benz."
34 :
"Why you think" is irrelevant. It's OBJECTIVELY because they have Democrat-approved governments. Capitalism prevents poverty. It's the ONLY thing that ever has. It's the ONLY thing that can.
35 :
Singapore is an island swamp and has no natural resources at all, aside from its location. In 1965 [independence], GDP/capita in Singapore was similar to GDP/capita in Africa. Two generations later, no one mentions any place in Africa as being remotely similar to Singapore. Now, if Singapore can pull its collective a** up out of the mud in only two generations, why is it that almost no one in the world who isn't Asian is willing to learn from their success? Singapore has first class medical facilities for everyone. Their government ins't going broke providing them, because the government doesn't provide them -- they're mostly private enterprise. In the great American health insurance debate just ended, did you hear one word of how Singapore successfully handles exactly the same situation without seizing 1/6th of the economy? Of course not -- our Congress can't learn from foreigners -- that would mean that we didn't invent the best methods. Argentina proved that a country could go from first world [in 1900] to second world [by 1980] in only four generations and without serious engaging in any of the world's wars during the period. Care to bet your grandchildren's future that America can do the same?
36 :
Brazil is doing OK. Many are poor though. They don't have the opportunity to succeed like people have in the US. The same can be asked, "Why do so many immigrants succeed when they leave their countries and come to the US. Thank our Founding Fathers for setting up a gov't where all that work hard have a chance to succeed. You have an idea and it works and you sell it you can get wealthy. Bill Gates type people don't realize their potential in those countries.

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