Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Asian buddhist peoples that lives in russia, do u know them

Asian buddhist peoples that lives in russia, do u know them?
I just wonder if u know this peoples...They r only buddhist peoples in the whole Europe. Their roots comes from Mongolia. Read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalmykia Kalmyk girls girls looks similar to chinese girls. They dress fashionable like russian girls, because they live in russia. Most of them already mixed with white russians. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRm1PFuSoaQ what do u think?
Other - Society & Culture - 1 Answers
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1 :
And their president - Ilyumzhinov is also the president of international chess federation - FIDE

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Geography Help need someone to check over my answers

Geography Help need someone to check over my answers?
1. What country spans both Europe and Asia? India Russia <------------ Greece Saudi Arabia 2. Which of the following is not true about the Pacific Ring of Fire? It is an arc of intense seismic activity. It includes the northern edge of Alaska. It is a zone of frequent earthquakes. It is the result of plate tectonics. <--------- 3. What Asian body of water contains 20 percent of the planet’s surface fresh water? The Yangtze River Lake Taupo Lake Baikal <-------- The Dead Sea 4. What geological characteristic do the countries in the Pacific Ring of Fire share? They are susceptible to typhoons. They experience significant seismic activity. <------- Their volcanoes are dormant. Their landscapes are entirely flat. 5. Which country features the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? Egypt <-------- China Iraq Israel 6. Which of the following best describes Shintoism? This Japanese religion worships ancestors and natural spirits. <- This is a Chinese philosophy centering on self-awareness. It is a branch of Hinduism that worships sacred animals. It is a sect of Islam that follows a literal interpretation of the Quran. 7. What island nation lies between the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean? Japan Sri Lanka The Philippines Islands New Zealand <------ 8. The Himalayas span all of the following countries except India. China. Mongolia. Nepal. <------- 9. China and India share a distinction regarding their populations. What is it? Approximately two-thirds of their populations live in urban areas.<---- Both populations have grown to more than one billion people. About 20 percent of their populations are immigrants. Each has reversed its growing trend. 10. In which region of Asia would you find the Gobi Desert? East Asia <------ Western Asia South Asia Southeast Asia
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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I think #2 is wrong - should be: It includes the northern edge of Alaska.
2 :
5.) The Tigris is the eastern member of the two great rivers that define Mesopotamia, along with the Euphrates, which flows from the mountains of southeastern Turkey through Iraq.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why do the Chinese, southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders think their related to the Arctic people, Japanese

Why do the Chinese, southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders think their related to the Arctic people, Japanese?
Why do the Chinese, southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders think their related to the Arctic people? I'm Japanese, Ainu, Eskimo, Korean, along with other DNA from the arctic region, born in Karafuto, then Siberia, then Mongolia, then moved to Alaska, then back down to Hokkaido, then to Nagoya, Japan, and now I live in Busan, South Korea. Why the hell do Chinese, southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders think they are related to the Arctic people? I mean the Eskimos have no relations with the people in that area, lol. The Eskimos who are people in the Arctic region (Siberia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, etc.) are related to the people of Altaic, Uralic, Tungusic, Turkic, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, Ainu. The Arctic people originated from the people of the Northern Arctic regions. The Koreans, Japanese, and the Ainu, are the only people in Far East Asia that originated from the Arctic region, to be more specific, the Altai region in Siberia. I mean the Chinese originated from China, also known as the Han Chinese, the southeast Asians originated from Taiwan which is an island that used to be connected to the south China region, and the Pacific Islanders also known as Polynesians also originated from Taiwan. The people of southeast Asia and Polynesia are also known as Austronesians. The Austronesians originated from China. The Han Chinese were also known to have intermarriages with the Austronesians. I mean the Arctic people look like they share same DNA with the Koreans, Japanese, Arctic people. The people in China, southeast Asia, Polynesia all have round eyes, points upwards, lower-bridged, flatter noses, no hair on the body and/or face. The people of the Arctic region have almond-eyes, and a very important appearance, is the Arctic, Koreans, Japanese, Ainu, all have eyes that are pointed in a downward direction, larger, higher-bridged noses, hairer on the body and facial area just like the Koreans and the Japanese. People always try to compare themselves with other ethnicities. JUST BECAUSE YOUR IN THE SAME CONTINENT, DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE IS RELATED. EACH CONTINENT IS LARGE WITH DIFFERENT MINORITIES. Even the people, cultures, cuisines, languages, landscapes, are so completely different with each other. Anyways, the Han Chinese, southeast Asian Austronesians, Polynesians, all have no relations with the Koreans, Japanese, Ainu, Arctic people. The regions are so far from each other, and there is no history between each of the regions. Korea was the only country to be part of the Japanese empire, then later on, Japan colonized China, Taiwan, southeast Asia, Polynesia, and it didn't even last more than 1 year or less, China, Southeast Asia, Polynesia were colonized, influenced, conquered by the Spaniards, French, Dutch, Portuguese, British, along with overseas Indians and Chinese. Japan and Korea were part of the Japanese empire for many years, and Koreans were recruited into the Japanese army against the rest of the people. It is still known today, that Japan and Korea didn't allow foreigners inside their countries till recently. The old times only allowed the native people of Korea and Japan which is why there are so many discriminations against foreigners, especially the illegal immigrants from China, Taiwan, southeast Asia, Polynesia, etc. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES: NOW TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES TYPICAL ARCTIC people (ESKIMOS, ALTAIC, URALIC, PAELO-SIBERIAN, SIBERIAN, TUNGUSIC, TURKIC, MONGOLIAN, NATIVE MANCHURIAN, GREENLANDIC): ESKIMO FEMALES: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Femmes_Nain.jpg If your Japanese, you may think these 2 women are either Japanese or Korean. TUNGUSIC, SIBERIAN MALE: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0e/Tungus_man_at_vorogovo.jpg/300px-Tungus_man_at_vorogovo.jpg NOW, TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES OF TYPICAL JAPANESE PEOPLE: JAPANESE MALE: http://spc.fotolog.com/photo/12/3/127/bobelsilencioso2/1221049090120_f.jpg JAPANESE FEMALE: http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/voiceactors/3/5933.jpg NOW, TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES OF TYPICAL KOREAN PEOPLE: KOREAN MALE: http://babelpop.com/files/images/Jang-dong-Gun-081115.jpg KOREAN MALE: http://media.photobucket.com/image/musa%20the%20warrior/meteorite_girl2006/bcm14.jpg KOREAN FEMALE: http://www.showwallpaper.com/wallpaper KOREAN FEMALE: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=korean&view=detail&id=22A464F687A5C8B85A555F39C95B4010FC7EF8B7&first=1&FORM=IDFRIR NOW, THESE ARE PICTURES OF TYPICAL PEOPLE IN OLD KOREA: KOREAN MALE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24443965@N08/2419972390/in/set-72157604582452397/ KOREAN MALE OF OLD KOREA: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24443965@N08/2422617754/in/set-72157604582452397/ OK, SO NOW YOU'VE SEEN THE KOREANS, JAPANESE, ARCTIC PEOPLE, ETC., LET ME SHOW YOU THE CHINESE, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AUSTRONESIAN, POLYNESIAN: CHINESE: http://images.fandango.com/r84.6.2/ImageRenderer/375/375/nox.jpg/p459664/images/masterrepository/performer%20images/p459664/collinchou-afifest-2.jpg I thought this actor was Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese, but he's actually Chinese from Taiwan, which could have meant that his ancestors could have been Chinese who intermarried with Austronesians. SOUTHEAST ASIAN (FILIPINO, THAI, VIETNAMESE, INDONESIAN, MALAYSIAN, ETC.): VIETNAMESE PEOPLE: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Vietnamese_refugees_on_US_carrier%2C_Operation_Frequent_Wind.jpg THAI PEOPLE: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2176/2077637805_47dc1fa2aa_z.jpg INDONESIAN PEOPLE: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_89UhX2hBt5s/RyXtixoT-1I/AAAAAAAAEZY/Bq-uMK0iKEc/IMGP1387.JPG FILIPINO PEOPLE: http://mabuhaycity.com/photoplog/images/45246/large/1_DSC01411.JPG HAWAIIAN MALE: http://www.haw HAWAIIAN MALE: http://www.hawaiipictures.com/pictures/wallpapers/oahu31024x768.jpg Although, Polynesians are more diverse IN DNA than the southeast Asian, Austronesians, and southern Chinese, indigenous Taiwanese. I mean Filipinos say they are Pacific Islanders, but I think Filipinos look more like southeast Asian, Austronesians. Native Polynesians could possibly be a different race than the Austronesians, Negritos, since they look different. Even the Papuans in Papua New Guinea, look different than the Austronesians, even though they are located in southeast Asia, along with the indigenous Australians. PAPUAN: http://www.janesoceania.com/png_visit5/PAPUA%20NEW%20GUINEA%20(A).jpg SO, THE NATIVE PEOPLE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA, AUSTRALIA, POLYNESIA, ALL DO LOOK LIKE A DIFFERENT RACE TO THE AUSTRONESIANS, SOUTHEAST ASIANS, SOUTHERN CHINESE, INDIGENOUS TAIWANESE. So, obviously, southeast Asians look completely different with the East Asians, especially the eyes. Now, with the Chinese, Chi na is a huge country, and has many different ethnicities. In southeast Asia, there are over 30 million overseas Chinese who have intermarriages with the Austronesians. In Polynesia, there are also Polynesian with Chinese DNA. In Taiwan and some regions in China, some tribes resemble similiar appearances with the southeast Asians. But, in China, some regions have people who do not look like southeast Asians or Polynesians. In south China, Canton, and Mandarin, there are the Han Chinese, the largest ethnicity worldwide. These people are the native people of China, and to me, they just look like Chinese. In southern regions, a few ethnicities resemble the southeast Asians, especially the areas like Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, although some people look like they may be mixed with the Negrito DNA originating from Madagascar, an island off the coast of south Africa. In the northern regions right below Mongolia, there are the people who resemble the Koreans, Japanese, Arctic people. Manchuria is a province in northeastern China above the Mandarin region, which was originally owned by the Arctic people, to be more specific, the Mongolians, even Tibet used to be a province of the Arctic, Mongolian people. Tibet and Manchuria belong under China, but originally they were not. Manchuria is between Mongolia and North Korea. So, in my opinion, southeast Asian Austronesians, Polynesians, all resemble the indigenous people of Taiwan, south China, and even Madagascar. Koreans and Japanese resemble the people of Altaic, Uralic, Tungusic, Turkic, Paleo-Siberian, Siberian, Eskimos, Mongolian, native Manchurians, who are all almost extinct due to small populations, but most of the DNA is not in the people of Korea and Japan. SO, THE ARCTIC PEOPLE (PALEO-SIBERIAN, SIBERIAN, ALTAIC, URALIC, TUNGUSIC, TURKIC, MONGOLIAN, NATIVE MANCHURIAN, ESKIMOS, NATIVE ALASKANS, NATIVE CANADIANS, GREENLANDIC, NATIVE PEOPLE OF ICELAND, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, SOME REGIONS OF RUSSIA, CENTRAL ASIA), ARE ALL RELATED WITH THE KOREANS, JAPANESE. WITH THE SOUTHEAST ASIAN, AUSTRONESIANS, THEY ARE RELATED WITH THE INDIGENOUS TAIWANESE, SOUTHERN CHINESE, MIXED WITH EVEN OTHER ETHNICITIES ORIGINATING FROM CHINA. WITH THE AUSTRALIANS, NEW ZEALANDERS, POLYNESIANS, PAPUA NEW GUINEANS, IT'S HARD TO SAY SINCE THEY MAY HAVE ORIGINATED FROM A DIFFERENT AREA THAT'S NOT RELATED TO NEITHER AUSTRONESIANS, OR SOUTHERN TAIWANESE, SOUTHERN CHINESE, BUT STILL MAY BE RELATED TO THE AUSTRONESIANS. WITH THE HAN CHINESE, IT'S HARD TO SAY, SINCE THEY'RE NOT RELATED TO AUSRONESIANS, POLYNESIANS, SOUTHEAST ASIANS, INDIGINEOUS AUSTRALIANS, PAPUA NEW GUINEANS, NEW ZEALANDERS, ET CETERA. SO, YEAH, SO THE ONLY POSSIBILITIES OF JAPANESE, KOREANS, ARCTIC PEOPLE RELATING TO THE CHINESE, ARE SOME ETHNICITIES IN CHINA. SO, EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT CHINESE, CHINA IS ALSO NOT ALL RELATED. THERE ARE OVER 53 ETHNICITIES IN CHINA, SO DON'T COMPARE EVERYONE IN CHINA EITHER.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 9 Answers
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2 hours later..................... zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
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4 hours later zzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzz
3 :
same with white people...they think puerto ricans, (im one), dominicans, argentinas ARE ALL related to mexicans like if i f u k i n g celebrated 5 de mayo my a s s
4 :
6 hours later..................... zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
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8 hours later .......... zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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10 hours later.... zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
7 :
Are you the artic people as in martial artist Tibetan monks? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT2cWRSlTDM
8 :
The Bering Straight land bridge which at one time connected Siberia and Alaska, although there is still much debate as to whether it was actual land, or ice.or you must go on and search on the site that will really help you and that is www.asiatruelove.com
9 :
well... north-eastern part of chinese people are same with koreans, japanese. in contray to western chinese(caucasoid) and southen chinese(southeast asian).

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why is racial mixing allowed in the USA

Why is racial mixing allowed in the USA?
Racial mixing destroys 1000s of years of racial evolution. We were all originally Black people. But, we evolved from isolation not racial mixing. Each group that was isolated evolved with different traits. Each pure race, those who didn't come from racial mixing(like Pakis, Indians, Filipinos) was developed through gradual evolution. We each developed unique traits. When these traits are mixed offspring are more likely to have drug problems, mental illness, cancer etc. They are mutations. Mutations either have neutral or bad side effects. Mutations never have good side effects. It's a fact that when a White woman mixes with a Black man, the kids usually come out obese. It's also a fact that the Black/White child can not serve two parents so she is ashamed of one. Racial mixing might also be a cause for new diseases being born. The racially mixed people have mixed DNA. Specific diseases can develop from mixed DNA. They can mutate when people mix together. Korea, Japan, China, Switzerland are the only pure races. I'm not saying one race is better than another. I'm saying that racial mixing hurts the genes. It destroys traits which have developed. It weakens any pure race. It can also cause cancer because the cells in a mixed person might mutate at a rapid rate causing cancer. My dad was a oral surgeon. He told me how most of his patients were mixed race. Blacks are better mixing with Blacks, Whites with Whites, Asians with Asians. Why is it that in America people allow racial mixing. Ever since people have been allowed to mix, America has declined morally and intellectually. Racially mixing does not happen in nature. A hammerhead shark does not mix with a great white. A blue whale does not mix with a Narwal whale. Different kinds of eagles do not mix together. The only mixes in animals were created by humans. The mixes turned out weak. The domesticated dogs all come from mixes of different dogs. The domesticated dog is weak and can not survive without humans. Whereas the wolf, which is pure can live without humans. In ancient times only the most resourceful lived. Most people had to know how to use a sword or whatever weapon they had. Training was very important. If you weren't able to apply the information, you would die. More dexterous people were born a long time ago because the less dexterous people were killed off. You needed to be good observing, applying. You also needed a strong immune system. People in Africa, Mongolia, Europe, North America developed each of these traits through isolation. When people mix a lot of time you don't get good traits of both parents. I had a Filipino, White classmate at school. His mother was American(English, German) and his father was a dark skinned Filipino. The boy came out with dislexia and his older brother was retarded and in a wheelchair. Usually people don't get good traits or desired traits from both sides of the family. When an Asian mixes with a white, he doesn't usually get the complete strength of a white barbarian and the business savvy of an asian. Mixed breed asian people usually have mental problems. Another mixed breed I know is half Chinese half Nicaraguan. His mother is Nicaraguan, but she looks basically White. She has blond hair and blue eyes. I know another mix breed family. There was a Filipino at my school. His father was German and his mother was Filipino. He was tall, but he also had dislexia. I also know a Mexican, Irish guy. He stutters. I know an Black guy. The Black guy's mother is Black and his father is Italian. The Black Italian guy is overweight at only 20 years old. I know a Filipino, Nicaraguan, Irish, German guy. He's a mail man. I know many mix breed people and they have a lot of problems. Technology does not allow weeding out of the less resourceful like it did in ancient, medieval, stone age times. The battle of the fittest will not happen easily again. I'm Chinese.
Other - Society & Culture - 12 Answers
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really I thought society was past this by now
2 :
Because it's no longer the 1950's, and we aren't so ignorant anymore to believe that drivel I half-read that you barfed onto your keyboard.
3 :
you obviously have no actual grasp of how genetics works, nor understand the difference between genetics and environment. That's all I'm going to say because I really don't feel like trying to explain something to someone who is obviously so intent on believing their inaccurate explanations that the correct one won't even penetrate your brain.
4 :
Long live the KING
5 :
Adolf Hitler is alive and well. You sound *just* like him. Don't believe me? Read "Mein Kampf". Unless you already are, because most of what you just said is in there. My father was of the "pure races" you stated - but he died of cancer when I was 17. So your theory is bullsh*t. God damn it...I thought the Russians killed you in 1945...
6 :
Perhaps you should go to a sixth grade history class and learn something about genetics. When ANYONE has a child with ANY other person, EVEN IF they are the EXACT same "PURE" race, there is genetic "mixing." And clearly you do not know the definition of a mutation. Then there's the fact that "barbarian" and "business savvy" are NOT LINKED TO GENES. To summarize my answer, you are an idiot. If I were to apply your (lack of) logic, you would be a mix of everything that has ever existed, as you would be otherwise be utterly incapable of being so stupid.
7 :
Oh and look at you...a ranting poster on Yahoo Answers. Yes your genes have served you well haven't they? KING OF THE WORLD MA KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!! Funny how I know many very intelligent and successful mixed race people...do you live in a slum maybe? I know a all white guy that is severly retarded...can you explain that? Do you think the white race should be eradicated because the white race produces a few retards? There are white people in prison...hmmmmmm looks like the white race produces nothing but criminals eh? And hey, all those Catholic Priests that raped little boys were white...well, by your reasoning that means the white race is producing pedophiles. Hmmmm....I think I am making a very good case for dilution of the white race. It is the same reasoning you are using so I must be right and you must be wrong. Or are you just the garden variety racist? Trying your best to make a case but instead making yourself look like something less than a Zoo Monkey... I notice you do not give your race. Why? Your not milk white are you?
8 :
didnt you ask this already?
9 :
Are you really serious? Obviously you have misunderstood just about everything about genetics. Your errors are so many and so grave, that unless this is a joke in bad taste, you are probably beyond salvation, and there is no point in trying to explain all this to you. I would however like to point out that if mixing of genes from different populations has any effect on diseases it is by reducing the risks. So you want laws against “racial mixing”? Do you mean like in the Third Reich or under Apartheid?
10 :
Why your father produced a retarded like you? Check the chinese people if there are some sick sons and daughters first before checking the other races. Check their hospitals, prisons, schools. Better yet, check in the chinese mental hospital.
11 :
If you hate mixed colours, you must really despise Fruit Loops.
12 :
Eric, You have some very strange ideas about genetics, and even stranger ideas about social policy. "Racial mixing", as you call it (most people would simply call it "human reproduction"), is allowed in the United States because people have a right to live their lives as they choose. Even if there actually were detrimental effects to people having mixed race children, no one has the right to prevent you from marrying and mating with whomever you choose. But lets get to the scientific misconceptions you're using to justify your heinous and socialistic world order: "Mutations either have neutral or bad side effects. Mutations never have good side effects." Actually, mutations sometimes DO have good side effects. That's one of the mechanisms by which long term evolution operates. If you don't believe me, check out this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nylon-eating_bacteria "The racially mixed people have mixed DNA." EVERYONE has mixed DNA.. I'd hate to break this to you, but your DNA is a mix between your mom's DNA and your dad's DNA, and your mom and dad have different traits regardless of whether they are the same race or not. But regardless of whether there is a little more difference or a little less difference in the DNA of your parents, the amount of genetic matieral that all humans have in common completely dwarfs the differences. After all, you share over 98% of your DNA with chimapzees, so how much do you think you share with another human? "It can also cause cancer because the cells in a mixed person might mutate at a rapid rate causing cancer." No - cancer is caused by external factors, and has nothing to do with being mixed race. There are no "mixes" of DNA that are more prone to rapid mutation than others. "My dad was a oral surgeon. He told me how most of his patients were mixed race." Most of your dad's patients are mixed race because MOST AMERICANS are mixed race. I'm willing to bet that most of your dad's patients are humans, too. Does this indicate that humans have more problems with their teeth than other animals? "Racially mixing does not happen in nature." I'm pretty sure you just got done saying that it happens in humans, and humans are part of nature. And actually, having thorough genetic mixing HELPS evolution because it introduces more variety for natural selection to act on. There is abolutely nothing detrimental about different races interbreeding. "A hammerhead shark does not mix with a great white. A blue whale does not mix with a Narwal whale. Different kinds of eagles do not mix together." These situations are completely different, because you're now talking about different species. Members of different species aren't able to interbreed at all, because that's the DEFINITION of a species. Humans can interbreed with each other with no problem, because we're all the same species. "The mixes turned out weak. The domesticated dogs all come from mixes of different dogs. The domesticated dog is weak and can not survive without humans." Really??? Have you ever heard of a pit bull? Or a Doberman Pinscher? Because those breeds were bred by humans, and they will straight up kick your ass any time, any day.

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