Why do the Chinese, southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders think their related to the Arctic people, Japanese?
Why do the Chinese, southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders think their related to the Arctic people? I'm Japanese, Ainu, Eskimo, Korean, along with other DNA from the arctic region, born in Karafuto, then Siberia, then Mongolia, then moved to Alaska, then back down to Hokkaido, then to Nagoya, Japan, and now I live in Busan, South Korea. Why the hell do Chinese, southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders think they are related to the Arctic people? I mean the Eskimos have no relations with the people in that area, lol. The Eskimos who are people in the Arctic region (Siberia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, etc.) are related to the people of Altaic, Uralic, Tungusic, Turkic, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, Ainu. The Arctic people originated from the people of the Northern Arctic regions. The Koreans, Japanese, and the Ainu, are the only people in Far East Asia that originated from the Arctic region, to be more specific, the Altai region in Siberia. I mean the Chinese originated from China, also known as the Han Chinese, the southeast Asians originated from Taiwan which is an island that used to be connected to the south China region, and the Pacific Islanders also known as Polynesians also originated from Taiwan. The people of southeast Asia and Polynesia are also known as Austronesians. The Austronesians originated from China. The Han Chinese were also known to have intermarriages with the Austronesians. I mean the Arctic people look like they share same DNA with the Koreans, Japanese, Arctic people. The people in China, southeast Asia, Polynesia all have round eyes, points upwards, lower-bridged, flatter noses, no hair on the body and/or face. The people of the Arctic region have almond-eyes, and a very important appearance, is the Arctic, Koreans, Japanese, Ainu, all have eyes that are pointed in a downward direction, larger, higher-bridged noses, hairer on the body and facial area just like the Koreans and the Japanese. People always try to compare themselves with other ethnicities. JUST BECAUSE YOUR IN THE SAME CONTINENT, DOESN'T MEAN EVERYONE IS RELATED. EACH CONTINENT IS LARGE WITH DIFFERENT MINORITIES. Even the people, cultures, cuisines, languages, landscapes, are so completely different with each other. Anyways, the Han Chinese, southeast Asian Austronesians, Polynesians, all have no relations with the Koreans, Japanese, Ainu, Arctic people. The regions are so far from each other, and there is no history between each of the regions. Korea was the only country to be part of the Japanese empire, then later on, Japan colonized China, Taiwan, southeast Asia, Polynesia, and it didn't even last more than 1 year or less, China, Southeast Asia, Polynesia were colonized, influenced, conquered by the Spaniards, French, Dutch, Portuguese, British, along with overseas Indians and Chinese. Japan and Korea were part of the Japanese empire for many years, and Koreans were recruited into the Japanese army against the rest of the people. It is still known today, that Japan and Korea didn't allow foreigners inside their countries till recently. The old times only allowed the native people of Korea and Japan which is why there are so many discriminations against foreigners, especially the illegal immigrants from China, Taiwan, southeast Asia, Polynesia, etc. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES: NOW TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES TYPICAL ARCTIC people (ESKIMOS, ALTAIC, URALIC, PAELO-SIBERIAN, SIBERIAN, TUNGUSIC, TURKIC, MONGOLIAN, NATIVE MANCHURIAN, GREENLANDIC): ESKIMO FEMALES: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Femmes_Nain.jpg If your Japanese, you may think these 2 women are either Japanese or Korean. TUNGUSIC, SIBERIAN MALE: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0e/Tungus_man_at_vorogovo.jpg/300px-Tungus_man_at_vorogovo.jpg NOW, TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES OF TYPICAL JAPANESE PEOPLE: JAPANESE MALE: http://spc.fotolog.com/photo/12/3/127/bobelsilencioso2/1221049090120_f.jpg JAPANESE FEMALE: http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/voiceactors/3/5933.jpg NOW, TAKE A LOOK AT THESE PICTURES OF TYPICAL KOREAN PEOPLE: KOREAN MALE: http://babelpop.com/files/images/Jang-dong-Gun-081115.jpg KOREAN MALE: http://media.photobucket.com/image/musa%20the%20warrior/meteorite_girl2006/bcm14.jpg KOREAN FEMALE: http://www.showwallpaper.com/wallpaper KOREAN FEMALE: http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=korean&view=detail&id=22A464F687A5C8B85A555F39C95B4010FC7EF8B7&first=1&FORM=IDFRIR NOW, THESE ARE PICTURES OF TYPICAL PEOPLE IN OLD KOREA: KOREAN MALE: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24443965@N08/2419972390/in/set-72157604582452397/ KOREAN MALE OF OLD KOREA: http://www.flickr.com/photos/24443965@N08/2422617754/in/set-72157604582452397/ OK, SO NOW YOU'VE SEEN THE KOREANS, JAPANESE, ARCTIC PEOPLE, ETC., LET ME SHOW YOU THE CHINESE, SOUTHEAST ASIAN AUSTRONESIAN, POLYNESIAN: CHINESE: http://images.fandango.com/r84.6.2/ImageRenderer/375/375/nox.jpg/p459664/images/masterrepository/performer%20images/p459664/collinchou-afifest-2.jpg I thought this actor was Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese, but he's actually Chinese from Taiwan, which could have meant that his ancestors could have been Chinese who intermarried with Austronesians. SOUTHEAST ASIAN (FILIPINO, THAI, VIETNAMESE, INDONESIAN, MALAYSIAN, ETC.): VIETNAMESE PEOPLE: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Vietnamese_refugees_on_US_carrier%2C_Operation_Frequent_Wind.jpg THAI PEOPLE: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2176/2077637805_47dc1fa2aa_z.jpg INDONESIAN PEOPLE: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_89UhX2hBt5s/RyXtixoT-1I/AAAAAAAAEZY/Bq-uMK0iKEc/IMGP1387.JPG FILIPINO PEOPLE: http://mabuhaycity.com/photoplog/images/45246/large/1_DSC01411.JPG HAWAIIAN MALE: http://www.haw HAWAIIAN MALE: http://www.hawaiipictures.com/pictures/wallpapers/oahu31024x768.jpg Although, Polynesians are more diverse IN DNA than the southeast Asian, Austronesians, and southern Chinese, indigenous Taiwanese. I mean Filipinos say they are Pacific Islanders, but I think Filipinos look more like southeast Asian, Austronesians. Native Polynesians could possibly be a different race than the Austronesians, Negritos, since they look different. Even the Papuans in Papua New Guinea, look different than the Austronesians, even though they are located in southeast Asia, along with the indigenous Australians. PAPUAN: http://www.janesoceania.com/png_visit5/PAPUA%20NEW%20GUINEA%20(A).jpg SO, THE NATIVE PEOPLE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA, AUSTRALIA, POLYNESIA, ALL DO LOOK LIKE A DIFFERENT RACE TO THE AUSTRONESIANS, SOUTHEAST ASIANS, SOUTHERN CHINESE, INDIGENOUS TAIWANESE. So, obviously, southeast Asians look completely different with the East Asians, especially the eyes. Now, with the Chinese, Chi na is a huge country, and has many different ethnicities. In southeast Asia, there are over 30 million overseas Chinese who have intermarriages with the Austronesians. In Polynesia, there are also Polynesian with Chinese DNA. In Taiwan and some regions in China, some tribes resemble similiar appearances with the southeast Asians. But, in China, some regions have people who do not look like southeast Asians or Polynesians. In south China, Canton, and Mandarin, there are the Han Chinese, the largest ethnicity worldwide. These people are the native people of China, and to me, they just look like Chinese. In southern regions, a few ethnicities resemble the southeast Asians, especially the areas like Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, although some people look like they may be mixed with the Negrito DNA originating from Madagascar, an island off the coast of south Africa. In the northern regions right below Mongolia, there are the people who resemble the Koreans, Japanese, Arctic people. Manchuria is a province in northeastern China above the Mandarin region, which was originally owned by the Arctic people, to be more specific, the Mongolians, even Tibet used to be a province of the Arctic, Mongolian people. Tibet and Manchuria belong under China, but originally they were not. Manchuria is between Mongolia and North Korea. So, in my opinion, southeast Asian Austronesians, Polynesians, all resemble the indigenous people of Taiwan, south China, and even Madagascar. Koreans and Japanese resemble the people of Altaic, Uralic, Tungusic, Turkic, Paleo-Siberian, Siberian, Eskimos, Mongolian, native Manchurians, who are all almost extinct due to small populations, but most of the DNA is not in the people of Korea and Japan. SO, THE ARCTIC PEOPLE (PALEO-SIBERIAN, SIBERIAN, ALTAIC, URALIC, TUNGUSIC, TURKIC, MONGOLIAN, NATIVE MANCHURIAN, ESKIMOS, NATIVE ALASKANS, NATIVE CANADIANS, GREENLANDIC, NATIVE PEOPLE OF ICELAND, NORWAY, SWEDEN, FINLAND, SOME REGIONS OF RUSSIA, CENTRAL ASIA), ARE ALL RELATED WITH THE KOREANS, JAPANESE. WITH THE SOUTHEAST ASIAN, AUSTRONESIANS, THEY ARE RELATED WITH THE INDIGENOUS TAIWANESE, SOUTHERN CHINESE, MIXED WITH EVEN OTHER ETHNICITIES ORIGINATING FROM CHINA. WITH THE AUSTRALIANS, NEW ZEALANDERS, POLYNESIANS, PAPUA NEW GUINEANS, IT'S HARD TO SAY SINCE THEY MAY HAVE ORIGINATED FROM A DIFFERENT AREA THAT'S NOT RELATED TO NEITHER AUSTRONESIANS, OR SOUTHERN TAIWANESE, SOUTHERN CHINESE, BUT STILL MAY BE RELATED TO THE AUSTRONESIANS. WITH THE HAN CHINESE, IT'S HARD TO SAY, SINCE THEY'RE NOT RELATED TO AUSRONESIANS, POLYNESIANS, SOUTHEAST ASIANS, INDIGINEOUS AUSTRALIANS, PAPUA NEW GUINEANS, NEW ZEALANDERS, ET CETERA. SO, YEAH, SO THE ONLY POSSIBILITIES OF JAPANESE, KOREANS, ARCTIC PEOPLE RELATING TO THE CHINESE, ARE SOME ETHNICITIES IN CHINA. SO, EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT CHINESE, CHINA IS ALSO NOT ALL RELATED. THERE ARE OVER 53 ETHNICITIES IN CHINA, SO DON'T COMPARE EVERYONE IN CHINA EITHER.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 9 Answers
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1 :
2 hours later..................... zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
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4 hours later zzzzzz.....zzzzzzzzz...zzzzzzzz
3 :
same with white people...they think puerto ricans, (im one), dominicans, argentinas ARE ALL related to mexicans like if i f u k i n g celebrated 5 de mayo my a s s
4 :
6 hours later..................... zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
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8 hours later .......... zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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10 hours later.... zzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz
7 :
Are you the artic people as in martial artist Tibetan monks? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT2cWRSlTDM
8 :
The Bering Straight land bridge which at one time connected Siberia and Alaska, although there is still much debate as to whether it was actual land, or ice.or you must go on and search on the site that will really help you and that is www.asiatruelove.com
9 :
well... north-eastern part of chinese people are same with koreans, japanese. in contray to western chinese(caucasoid) and southen chinese(southeast asian).
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