what is probably the lightest kind of cigarettes out there in like 7-11, and like small shops that sell cigarettes? and what aare the differences between Marbolo White, Red and (etc) and im underage, and i look underage, so if i wanna buy my cigarettes? what should i do? this is my first time on my own buying myself my own cigarettes.... (i moved recently) btw i live in mongolia... so what shuld i do? and for those who are here to tell me to stop smoking, id rather have u not answer this question
Women's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
What you should do it not smoke. And yes I am answering your question and I don't care if you'd rather I didn't. You're an idiot.
2 :
I am underage too and I have been smoking for 3 years. Well, plannng to quit or lessen the numer the the near future, but this is not the matter. So first thing. The diferences between this colour are the quantity of gudron, nicotin and other "so-called-BAAAD" things. Marlboro white has the less amount of those bad thngs, as well as other white coloured cgarettes. Red is the "strongest". There are different opinions. Like the lightest cagarettes are more nocive because of the filter and red is too strong. Well I prefer the middle thngs. In the marlboro case it is yellow but other cigarettes have blue package. I never smoke the lightest. They are jokes, not cigarettes. Well, buying for you may be harder. In my country ANY store sells cigarettes to underaged, they do not care about your age. there are few that even sell by piece. You should get someone buy them for you.
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