Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dog Pneumonia Remedy

Dog Pneumonia Remedy?
Hi, I'm living in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and there are tons of dogs running wild around the city. My cousins found a three legged (by birth) puppy the other day. We can't take her in, unfortunately, so we built her a little dog house. A few days ago we heard her coughing, and it's a wheezy cough. I suspect it is pneumonia, but I was hoping there is something we can do for her? As far as I know, no one here can take her, and I'm not sure if they have vets here to take her to. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Dogs - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First of all it could be kennel cough which sounds like pneumonia but it could have pneumonia and if you have no antibiotics for dogs then the dog will eventually die. It will need care and vet care right away as the dog can die from other diseases too. With out proper care even humans will die as it takes antibiotics to cure this and with out it, he will die. Try to find a vet somewhere, ask around please.
2 : Dog Pneumonia Symptoms The most notable canine pneumonia symptom is coughing. Other symptoms include: - Frequent cough with mucous secretions - Difficulty breathing - Wheezing or panting - Nasal discharge (not a common symptom) - Fever (in only 50% of cases) - Lethargic Behavior - Loss of appetite - Refusal to drink/dehydration You may notice your dog's lips bulging outward when he breathes. If your dog has symptoms of pneumonia, he needs to see a vet as soon as possible. This site has a dozen vets on staff to help you:|ga|1|Pets|Veterinarian&ofid=103&JPKW=online%20vet&JPDC=S&JPST=&JPAD=5821523403&JPAF=txt&JPCD=20100503&JPRC=1&JPOP=Jesse_SIPtest_SIP&gclid=CODLjsOTlqUCFSZl7AodEiP1NA I hope the dog gets well. It was good of you to make a house for her.

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